Product Liability

Manufacturers, distributors, suppliers, retailers, and others who make products available to the public are responsible for the injuries those products cause. But holding them responsible isn’t easy. We retain top experts in engineering , warnings and design. To illustrate what happened, we use cutting edge techniques to create graphical imagery. Sometimes defective products are designed properly but produced with a flaw – that’s called a manufacturing defect. Sometimes there is a defect in the design. And sometimes a perfectly fine product is put to a use for it which it was not intended – an assembly defect. Knowing the difference – and being able to prove it – is what we do for you. We have handled cases ranging from medical devices (such as knees, hips, abdominal slings, and defibrillators) to heavy machinery (such as ptos, fork lifts, presses and brakes) to consumer products (such as contact cement, trailer hitches and baby carriers).
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